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Session Access and Route Protection

On the server side you can get access to the current session like this:

import { getServerSession } from '#auth'export default eventHandler(async (event) => {  const session = await getServerSession(event)})

This is inspired by the getServerSession of NextAuth.js. It also avoids an external, internet call to the GET /api/auth/sessions endpoint, instead directly calling a pure JS-method.

Note: If you use Nuxts' useFetch from your app-components to fetch data from an endpoint that uses getServerSession or getToken you will need to manually pass along cookies as Nuxt 3 universal rendering will not do this per-default when it runs on the server-side. Not passing along cookies will result in getServerSession returning null when it is called from the server-side as no auth-cookies will exist. Here's an example that manually passes along cookies:

const headers = useRequestHeaders(['cookie']) as HeadersInitconst { data: token } = await useFetch('/api/token', { headers })

Endpoint Protection

To protect an endpoint, check the session after fetching it:

// file: ~/server/api/protected.get.tsimport { getServerSession } from '#auth'export default eventHandler(async (event) => {  const session = await getServerSession(event)  if (!session) {    return { status: 'unauthenticated!' }  }  return { status: 'authenticated!' }})

Server Middleware

You can also use this in a Nuxt server middleware to protect multiple pages at once and keep the authentication logic out of your endpoints:

// file: ~/server/middleware/auth.tsimport { getServerSession } from '#auth'export default eventHandler(async (event) => {  const session = await getServerSession(event)  if (!session) {    throw createError({ statusMessage: 'Unauthenticated', statusCode: 403 })  }})