You are viewing the docs for v0.5. This is not the latest version.


There are some terms we use in this documentation that may not be known to every reader. Here is an explanation for some of them:

  • application / application-side / universal-application: This references all Nuxt code of your app that is universally rendered. In short this means that that code is rendered on the server-side and on the client-side, so all JS in it is executed twice. This is an important distinction, as some things may behave different on the server-side than on the client-side. We use application... to denote something that will be universally rendered
  • server / server-side: This references all Nuxt code of your app that will run only on your server. For example, all code inside the ~/server directory should only ever run on the server
  • sessions: A set of information that persists for a longer duration, e.g., the username and email that persists while your user is logged in
  • authentication: Verifying that someone is who they claims to be, e.g., by asking them for a username and password or by asking Google to verify it (OAuth) and then trust their result

Let us know if you're missing something from this list