You are viewing the docs for v0.5. This is not the latest version.


This section gives an example of how the NuxtAuthHandler can be configured to use Directus JWTs for authentication via the CredentialsProvider provider and how to implement a token refresh for the Directus JWT.

The below is a code-example that needs to be adapted to your specific configuration:

import CredentialsProvider from "next-auth/providers/credentials";import { NuxtAuthHandler } from "#auth";/** * Takes a token, and returns a new token with updated * `accessToken` and `accessTokenExpires`. If an error occurs, * returns the old token and an error property */async function refreshAccessToken(refreshToken: {  accessToken: string;  accessTokenExpires: string;  refreshToken: string;}) {  try {    console.warn("trying to post to refresh token");    const refreshedTokens = await $fetch<{      data: {        access_token: string;        expires: number;        refresh_token: string;      };    } | null>("", {      method: "POST",      headers: {        "Content-Type": "application/json",      },      body: {        refresh_token: refreshToken.refreshToken,        mode: "json",      },    });    if (!refreshedTokens || ! {      console.warn("No refreshed tokens");      throw refreshedTokens;    }    console.warn("Refreshed tokens successfully");    return {      ...refreshToken,      accessToken:,      accessTokenExpires: +,      refreshToken:,    };  } catch (error) {    console.warn("Error refreshing token", error);    return {      ...refreshToken,      error: "RefreshAccessTokenError",    };  }}export default NuxtAuthHandler({  // secret needed to run nuxt-auth in production mode (used to encrypt data)  secret: process.env.NUXT_SECRET,  providers: [    // @ts-expect-error You need to use .default here for it to work during SSR. May be fixed via Vite at some point    CredentialsProvider.default({      // The name to display on the sign in form (e.g. 'Sign in with...')      name: "Credentials",      // The credentials is used to generate a suitable form on the sign in page.      // You can specify whatever fields you are expecting to be submitted.      // e.g. domain, username, password, 2FA token, etc.      // You can pass any HTML attribute to the <input> tag through the object.      credentials: {        email: { label: "Email", type: "text" },        password: { label: "Password", type: "password" },      },      async authorize(credentials: any) {        // You need to provide your own logic here that takes the credentials        // submitted and returns either a object representing a user or value        // that is false/null if the credentials are invalid.        // NOTE: THE BELOW LOGIC IS NOT SAFE OR PROPER FOR AUTHENTICATION!        try {          const payload = {            email:,            password: credentials.password,          };          const userTokens = await $fetch<{            data: { access_token: string; expires: number; refresh_token: string };          } | null>("", {            method: "POST",            body: payload,            headers: {              "Content-Type": "application/json",              "Accept-Language": "en-US",            },          });          const userDetails = await $fetch<{            data: {              id: string;              email: string;              first_name: string;              last_name: string;              role: string;              phone?: string;              cvr?: string;              company_name?: string;            };          } | null>("", {            method: "GET",            headers: {              "Content-Type": "application/json",              "Accept-Language": "en-US",              Authorization: `Bearer ${userTokens?.data?.access_token}`,            },          });          if (!userTokens || ! || !userDetails || ! {            throw createError({              statusCode: 500,              statusMessage: "Next auth failed",            });          }          const user = {            id:,            email:,            firstName:,            lastName:,            role:,            phone:,            cvr:,            companyName:,            accessToken:,            accessTokenExpires: +,            refreshToken:,          };          const allowedRoles = [            "53ed3a6a-b236-49aa-be72-f26e6e4857a0",            "d9b59a92-e85d-43e2-8062-7a1242a8fce6",          ];          // Only allow admins and sales          if (!allowedRoles.includes(user.role)) {            throw createError({              statusCode: 403,              statusMessage: "Not allowed",            });          }          return user;        } catch (error) {          console.warn("Error logging in", error);          return null;        }      },    }),  ],  session: {    strategy: "jwt",  },  callbacks: {    async jwt({ token, user, account }) {      if (account && user) {        console.warn("JWT callback", { token, user, account });        return {          ...token,          ...user,        };      }      // Handle token refresh before it expires of 15 minutes      if (token.accessTokenExpires && > token.accessTokenExpires) {        console.warn("Token is expired. Getting a new");        return refreshAccessToken(token);      }      return token;    },    async session({ session, token }) {      session.user = {        ...session.user,        ...token,      };      return session;    },  },});

This was contributes by @madsh93 from Github here: