Quick Start

After installing the package, you can begin to use the functions in your code:

import { z, parseDataAs } from "@sidebase/nuxt-parse"const parsedData = await parseDataAs({ test: "1" }, z.object({ test: z.number() )}))// -> throws! `"1"` is not a number, but a string!const parsedData = await parseDataAs({ test: 1 }, z.object({ test: z.number() )}))console.log(parsedData)// -> output: `{ test: 1 }`const parsedData = await parseDataAs({ test: "1" }, z.object({ test: z.string().transform(v => parseInt(v)) )}))console.log(parsedData)// -> output: `{ test: 1 }` (we used `.transform` to ensure that we get a number)

You can view some other examples here.