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The productive way to build fullstack Nuxt 3 applications.

sidebase is a web app development kit to build production ready fullstack apps quickly.

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Nuxt 3 wraps Vue 3 to help us productive Vue 3 quicker than ever before: Fullstack web Apps, Static Websites, PWAs and more are all possible with Nuxt 3. Nuxt also optimizes all of these modes heavily to provide the best user-experience (UX) and developer-experience (DX).


TypeScript (TS) is essential because it provides guard-rails for development: TS let's us know what we talk about in our meeting when we discuss what the roles: Roles[] array contains, it informs our code-editor what we might be trying to do and let's it help us.


tRPC rightly has the tagline "Move Fast and Break Nothing.": It allows you to define an API that is typesafe. TypeScript will start warning you on the client-side if you changed a server-side return but didn't make the necessary changes on the frontend! tRPC also adds snappy autocomplete.


Prisma is an ORM for your database. ORM stands for "object relational mapping" and that's also what a classical ORM does: It maps tables from the database onto JS / TS-objects in your code!


Tailwind is a CSS framework: It allows you to style your components using CSS. However, there is a twist with tailwind: It is utility first.


Naive UI is a Vue 3 component library. There are more than 90 treeshakable components, that can all be customized to match your brand identity.


NuxtAuth wraps the very popular Auth.js library and brings its 23k github star power to the Nuxt 3 ecosystem. With nuxt-auth you can implement authentication via most possible OAuth providers in a few seconds.


NuxtI18n is the internationalization module for Nuxt. It easily integrates some localization features to your Nuxt Application and allows you to offer your project in multiple languages.


ESLint statically analyzes your code to quickly find problems. It is built into most text editors and you can run ESLint as part of your continuous integration pipeline.

What do others think of sidebase?

Have a look at what other developers have said about sidebase.

"Beautiful work on sidebase!"



CEO of NuxtLabs

"Really nice progress on @sidebase_io. Great job everyone 🙌"


Daniel Roe

Nuxt Framework Lead

"@sidebase_io looks like a pretty slick starter template for working with @nuxt_js 3"


Vue School

Vue Learning platform

"Been following this issue/project for a few weeks now - this is fantastic, and also a project extremely close to my interest!"



"Thank you so much for sharing! Trying to use nuxt 3 on a larger project currently, and struggling a lot in terms of project structure, best practices, which ecosystems & libs to use"



"@sidebase_io is a Vue alternative for create-t3-app @t3dotgg"


Criston Mascarenhas

"🤩 This is super exciting: Sidebase is bringing `create-t3-app` to the Vue/Nuxt community!"


Nikolas Burk


"Thanks for sharing! Nice start to explore @nuxt_js 3."



"You added the missing part for me in nuxt3 to start experiment real world app with the framework"


Dvir Hazout

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